Guided Earth Energy Meditation
Thanks so much to everyone who came to the mandala event on September 21, 2019. Here is the guided meditation I led.
Feel free to use this to guide yourself and/or others to connect to the energy of the earth.
Welcome everyone and thank you for being here
As we settle into the moment, tune into your breath. Notice the quality of your breathing and the fresh air here at this beautiful flower farm
Begin to tune into the energy of the farm. Notice your feet connected to this earth here in the present moment
Soak up the energy from the ground through your feet…up through your heart…and out the top of your head
Notice the swirling energy of the flowers and how they call out to you. Imagine their petals, their pollen, their stems and leaves
Soak it all in and notice how nature nourishes you
We will use this time together to give back by creating a community flower offering for the earth and flower farm
As we move through mindfully, may we continue to connect and absorb all of the collective energy here today
The meditation concluded by ringing the singing bowl. Feel free to take pauses as you see fit to allow yourself and/or others to really settle into the moment.